Postdoctoral surpervisor
Nicholas Rivers
Jason Garred (co-supervisor)
Abel Brodeur (co-supervisor)
Carolyn Fischer
Anthony Heyes
Maya Papineau
Climate Change and the Distribution of Agricultural Output
with Francisco Costa, Jason Garred and Joao Paulo Pessoa.
R&R at Environmental and Resource Economics
Climate Change
When are Tariff Cuts Not Enough? Heterogeneous Effects of Trade Preferences for the Least Developed Countries
with Jason Garred and Kyae Lim Kwon
R&R at Journal of International Economics
Causal inference
Data Mining
Poor countries export a remarkably narrow range of products. To what extent have trade preferences targeted to the least developed countries (LDCs) changed this situation? We study a large set of recent reforms to the LDC trade preferences offered by OECD countries. Leveraging trade policy variation by importer, exporter, product and year, we show that tariff reductions have increased the prevalence of positive trade flows. However, new flows have been far more likely to emerge in cases with previous ‘export experience’, i.e. where countries already exported the same product to another OECD country, or exported a related product to the same importer. So this wave of tariff cuts for LDCs has resulted in an extension of existing patterns of trade rather than wider export diversification.
CCTs and Fertility: Long-Term Impacts Across Two Generations
Causal inference
Policy evaluation
High Temperatures and Vulnerabilities
with Nicholas Rivers
Climate Change
Machine Learning
We examine the effect of high temperatures on individual income and document some of the determinants explaining heterogeneous effects. Using the longitudinal administrative survey of Canada, which contains information on 20% of Canadian tax payers, we document that high temperatures, which are rare events, do not impact aggregate measures of income. The results change when including individual fixed-effects and suggests than a day with average temperature above 30 degrees is associated with a decrease in income by 1.5% and an increase in health spending by 0.1%. A decomposition of this effect suggests that it is mainly driven by the sectors of construction and retail.
Reactive or proactive? Capturing adaptation to climate change using machine learning
with Julia Mink
Machine Learning
Climate Change
We study the determinants of climate change adaptation using both machine learning and economic theory. For farmers, crop choice is one of the most effective and cheapest way of mitigating the effects of climate change. Yet it is unclear whether farmers’ adapt in reaction to past weather realisations or in anticipation of climate change. We attempt to answer this question by testing two theories: one in which farmers are only backward looking and a second in which they are also forward looking. Since these two behavioural models do not live in the same parameter space, we follow Fudenberg et al. (2020) and measure how ‘’ each theory is by comparing their predictive performance to a predictive upper bound defined using machine learning. Our results suggest that behavioural models assuming no adaption best describe the data.
US-China Trade Relationship and US pollution emissionCausal inference
After being the champion of trade liberalization, the United States reversed its policy and engaged in protectionist measures particularly targeted at China. Since 2000, the Chinese import competition has significantly influenced the US industrial composition and motivated the 2018 US tariff increase. This paper takes advantage of these diametrically-opposed trade shocks to look at their impact on pollution emissions (CO, NO2, O3, PM10, PM2.5) in the US. First, I empirically examine how US counties have changed their pollution emissions in response to i) a fall in Chinese import prices and ii) recent protectionist measures and retaliatory tariffs. The reduced form identification relies on a weighted average of local exposure to Chinese competition in which weights are determined by counties’ industrial composition prior to the shocks. Second, I decompose changes in pollution emissions among the different channels that may be impacted by these shocks. Specifically, in response to changes in comparative advantages, counties may change their levels of economic activity (scale), their type of activities (composition) and the pollution intensity of their production (technique).